Monday, May 21, 2007

Fear of failure...

So it's Monday night bout 11pm. Been stressin all day and have started to become really scared.

I'm scared because of how apathetic everybody is. All of my peers are moving into careers. Most are focussing on making alot of money. I'm really hopin that people are as dissatisfied with the apathy of today. I'm sick to death of people not caring about each other. Without sounding like a tool, where is the love? Where is the support for real people and real change.

The last three weeks have been the hardest of my life jugglin the start of AIME with Carnivale. But I've kept myself going by saying that its worth it. That what I'm doing is good. Since then I have been belittled again and again by people in the process of trying to get the message out. Tonight this climaxed with a trip to Wesley College. The best moment of the trip was knockin on a door and going in and asking a couple of guys if they wanted to come to Indigenous Carnivale, they didn't even reply but kept their eyes transfixed on their playstation game.

You know what - that was fucked. That is fucked. And i'm sick of being diplomatic. These people are so ignorant that they are missing out on an opportunity that could change their life. Fuck people not taking a chance.

Somebody tell me why this event, with the Herd, and 11 other performers, who are all brilliant, and the exhibition, and the day (Sorry Day), and the cause (AIME), have to be sold. Why did I have to beg the editors of USU Bull, The Glebe, and Drum Media for articles?

It disgusts me that we have to "sell" this event. So much of this disgusts me. Except for those of you who are coming.

You are the shining lights. But... here comes the crunch

If you want this to be a success, over the next four days you need to shoulder some responsibility. Every person who says they believe in closing the gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians in a statistical and social fashion needs to step up.

Are all your friends coming? Is your family coming? Have you put yourself on a limb to help this event succeed in creating something unique??

If no, you have four days left.

I'm not askin you to recreate the wheel. The stage has been set, the message is there, the event is ready. Your job is to bring at least 10 people each to this event.

Otherwise. I'm done. And Indigenous Carnivale is done. There is no reason why this event shouldn't sell out and send a message to the University, Sydney, and Australian communty that we are willing to come together and build a better future in an age where the bottom line doesn't always have to involve money.

I've tried my best. Thats all I can ask from you.




Anonymous said...

It is important to have a sense of community, to work together to achieve goals in unison - that is the ideal.

But don't overlook the fact that I cannot grasp your needs or intentions through osmosis. I do need you to make contact with me - not just through use of "guilt".

Anonymous said...

Simply, I have been so wrapped up in my own studies that I havent even checked what is going on for Sorry Day. But you are rite, we all need to stand up, shoulder to shoulder and support one another. Though i live out of sydney, i will come to the Carnivale and bring my few friends.
Also, can i put your information on my website and give it to other friends for the wider community to see? be angry friend, sometimes its the only way to be heard, but not so that you undo all your good.
good luck, Jarrawilla.....

Indigenous Carnivale said...

any help would help mate. thanks for your words of support

Anonymous said...

sometimes it feels like you need a super hero to get it happening.
wait..... is that steve the reconciliator on the horizon? just when you thought it might go to shite.. i believe in super heroes.