Monday, May 14, 2007

Goin Slow

Hello all! This is my first blog as i'm slow and confused most of the time, and i don't like computers.. But this is about more than that!! This is for Carnivale and i for one am proud to be a part of it, one day it will be a massive event in Australia, this i am sure of, this it is deserving of. Plus I feels it in me waters!
Just in case there are any fans of the Movement out there I'm sorry this next one is a bit late but i'm having writers block and I'm open to any suggestions you might have? The next character is a young indigenous woman who works in a high school, tying to get the kids to realise the importance of unity and peace amongst different races and religions. Although i better hurry up so if your reading this now send in your ideas straight away cuz tomorrow it may be too late!
Anyway i'm gonna go get goin and hopefully make a dent in this, I'm excited either way and i'll hopefully have a new comic strip for you all to check out in the next day or two..
Keep on keeping on! PEACE
love Ham

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