Thursday, May 10, 2007

The New Budget

Guys check this out. The Government has released a massive budget over 200 Billion yet they have completely brushed further funding for Indigenous Health. This is beyond a joke - with serious financial funding we could follow Social Justice Commissioner Tom Calma's challenge to close the healt gap in 20 years... How long will we sit by and say, "oh that's really bad"... but still do nothin about it.... The followin is a open letter from GetUp.


Dear friends,

The Treasurer has distributed our $236 billion and the budget headlines are brimming with praise and prosperity. But hidden among the welcome news remains an untold budget scandal - an Aboriginal child born today is statistically likely to be outlived by a newborn in rural Bangladesh. And what was allocated on Tuesday night to address this baffling inequality? Just $30 million in additional annual health funding, or an extra ten bucks for every Indigenous Australian on top of last year's budget increase.

We've stood together to right this kind of wrong before. In '67, Australians united to pass an historic referendum, affirming the basic rights of Indigenous Australians. But as long as diseases like leprosy, TB and blinding trachoma still afflict our people, that fight isn't over. As we draw towards the 40-year anniversary of the '67 referendum on May 27 we want to give politicians an unflinching new mandate, backed by tens of thousands.

Don't delay - sign the petition for Indigenous health equality now.

With an actionable health plan led by the Australian Medical Association and ample resources at our disposal, we can't afford to waste any more time. Both the ALP and the Coalition must rise above election squabbling to close the gap. We're presenting them this bipartisan petition on May 27 to mark the anniversary. Add your name if you haven't already and share this campaign with friends. Together we'll stand shoulder-to-shoulder to rise to the challenge of our generation.

Thanks for taking action,

The GetUp team

P.S. GetUp is looking to open offices in Adelaide and Canberra, for which we need both office space and staff. Please reply to this email if you have office space to donate to us -- or, if you're interested in joining our team, view the positions available here.

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