Sunday, May 13, 2007


one way you can all help is to go to facebook ( and search for Indigenous Carnivale. The Event will come up - if you can invite all of your friends that would rock...

Its awesome I was just googlin Carnivale to check how we're goin and found that someone had set up a facebook account and their are all these people that have said there comin... Yes... this is gonna rock


Anonymous said...

damn I am getting old, I never new there was a thing called "facebook"! ha.

He a conversation with a few mates in the surf. One had ties to the kombumerri mob at Burleigh heads. He had a dig at me about "sorry day", and said he's over it. He wants a "future day". I said it is necessary to acknowledge what happened in the past to arrive at hope. He didn't think so. he's pretty young and probably isn't familiar with a lot of what happened. Interesting exchange, and shows the importance of what going down with this carnivale.

Jules said...

I think there's something in what your mate was saying in the surf about "future day" - I do think there is a need to recognise the mistakes made in the past. However, I think more people would be likely to participate in a "future day". People want to feel like things are moving forward and perhaps by moving forward we can make more progress towards recognising the mistakes of the past.

Whatever we call the day, Indigenous Carnivale is doing heaps to put reconciliation in the minds of young people.

Keep it going!